"Empowerment of women leads to the betterment of society"
Women empowerment is a crucial aspect of achieving gender equality and promoting social progress. By empowering women, we can ensure that they have equal access to opportunities, resources, and decision-making power. This not only benefits women individually but also leads to a more inclusive and diverse society. It is important for governments, organizations, and individuals to actively support and promote women’s empowerment in all aspects of life.

Components: Women's sense
of self worth
- The right to have and to determine Choice self for decisions of thoughts feelings and actions
- The right to have access to opportunities and resources
- The right to have power to control their own living both within and outside the home
- Their ability to influence the direction of social and economic order nationally and internationally.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said, “Empowerment of women leads to development of a good family, good society and, ultimately, a good nation. When the woman is happy, the home is happy.
- Start a women’s support group where you can share stories and empower each other.
- Share inspiring quotes by women on social media to spread positivity.
- Encourage young girls to pursue their dreams and not be held back by stereotypes.
- Support women-owned businesses by shopping local and spreading the word about their products.
- Volunteer at organizations that focus on empowering women and girls in your community.

Need for women empowerment:
- Decision making power
- Freedom of movement
- Access of education
- Domestic violence
Ways to empower women:
- Changes in women's mobility and social interaction.
- Changes in women's labour patterns.
- Changes in women control over decision making.
- Providing Education.
- Self empowerment and self help group.
- Providing minimum needs like nutrition, health, sanitation, housing.
- Encouraging women to develop in their fields they are good at and make a career.